When it comes to growing competitive environment where anything is just a click away would anyone think of the fact how these databases frame the commercialized business tacts?
Being an IT student I am always eager to find how these exemplary facts and figures comes to us. Who are the back supporters, how these backend operations held and how they forms the conceptual outcome that we all can see.
Further to my curiosity I always withheld these queries in my appetite and tries to find the answers. I further worked out in learning SQL 2005, Oracle and other database management techniques which help me to understand the how these customer data are retrieved through various queries withheld.
One important aspect which always interests me how these configurations are held. To my knowledge here I come to an important note of understanding how this E-Matrix system helps in administrating the business modeling of company in which Matrix Inc has been a sole moderator of framing such system.
Let’s evaluate the whole E-Matrix picture starting with the fact what e-matrix is all about.
e-Matrix is a comprehensive information management system which helps to manage, control, and improve the process and related information flow and provides the flexibility required to organize this information according to the projects, products, or business model.
The e-Matrix system is a client/server software uses Oracle or DB2 to store the data in its own format.
Another important aspect here is that it stores all its information in the object.
The components of e-Matrix are as follows:-
1. Business modeler- contains information about each activity that has taken place for a Business object.
2. E-Matrix Navigator- lets you develop applications that use Java servlets and JSPs to communicate with the eMatrix database.
3. MQL – Analysis the query of the problem occurred and implement the solutions needed.
4. System manager- The System Manager component is used for performing the following actions. -
Database configuration
Creation of Vault
Creation of Stores
Creation of Server object
Creation of Location
Creation of Site
Archive/Retrieve the store information
Upgrade the e-Matrix database structure to latest versions
Adding to it how this e-Matrix helps for IT job oriented students. Here I am going to highlight about Business Administrator’s job, that is, the specific tasks or duties performed by the Business Administrator to successfully set up the Matrix system.
The person who is focussing his career into IT configuration systems specifically working on E- matrix systems in business have to incur the following duties:
1. Set up the Matrix system after installation. The person must select an area of the business that will be controlled by Matrix.
2. Define the schema.
a)Determine the scope of the business project, that is, what Matrix will manage at your company.
b) Determine how business objects relate to each other (relationships) and how users will interact with those business objects.
c) Define persons, roles, and groups - model your organization.
d) Define and document the business life cycles for the things (objects) being managed.
e) Determine who will have access to specific business objects during different stages in the life cycle for that business object.
3. Create definitions.
a)The database is empty after Matrix installation.
b) The business administrator must enter the initial project definitions for the Matrix user using information from the previous step.
c) The Business Administrator can enter project definitions using either the Business Administrator application or Matrix Query Language (MQL)
4. Test and update the schema
a) The completed database through its entire schema.
b) Whether business objects can be created as designed.
c) User access to specific business objects at various states in the life cycle.
d) The behavior of the life cycle during individual states.
e) The ability to promote business objects along the defined life cycle.
f) Relationships between business objects.
g) Stores, vaults, formats and the ability to check files in and out.
5. Maintain the system for the Matrix user community.
b) Add new, or modify old business life cycles to control those business objects.
c) Add new, or modify old relationships.
d) Add new stores, formats and Vaults as needed.
e) Add new, or modify old persons, roles, and groups.
Thus E-matrix helps in the initialization of not only learning but also in the growth pattern of the IT career oriented students.